How Long Does It Take To Get A Dental Crown?

How Long Does It Take To Get A Dental Crown?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 1 in 4 people in America have untreated tooth decay.  Although dental fillings can restore teeth with mild to moderate decay, teeth with significant decay may require a dental crown. If your dentist informs you that you need a dental crown, rest assured the treatment won’t take long. In fact, if your dentist has a technologically advanced practice, including state-of-the-art CAD/CAM software and printing equipment, your dental crown may be placed in a single visit. Read on for what you need to know about dental crowns. 

Reasons You May Need a Dental Crown

Significant decay is the reason that most people need a dental crown. Teeth that are seriously decayed are at risk of being lost. Dental crowns can prevent the loss of a decayed and weakened tooth, all the while retaining the crucial tooth root. 

 But you may require a dental crown for cosmetic reasons as well. Fractured, chipped, or cracked teeth can be restored with dental crowns. Discolored teeth may also be covered with a crown to improve the appearance of your smile.

If you need a root canal due to decay or infection reaching the interior of the tooth, you’ll also need a dental crown. 

Dental Crown Timeline: What to Expect

If you learn that you need a dental crown, treatment may be completed in a single day or may span several weeks, depending on the type of crown you select. Some crowns can be made by your dentist using CAD/CAM technology. In these cases, the impacted tooth can be prepared for the crown, and fixed with the crown on the same day. Depending upon the dentist’s schedule, you may need to return to the dentist in a few days to have the crown placed.

If your impressions are being sent to a lab to manufacture your crown, the process will take a few weeks. During your first appointment, your tooth will be prepped and fitted with a temporary crown. Once your crown arrives from the lab you’ll return to the dentist to have it cemented to your tooth.

Types of Dental Crowns

Today there are more options than ever when it comes to the material used to make dental crowns. Dental crowns may be made of:

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain-fused-to metal
  • Gold alloys
  • Metal alloys
  • Resins

Your dentist will be happy to explain the pros and cons of each type of dental crown, including the most affordable, durable, and natural-looking options for your needs. 

Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

Most patients describe the experience as annoying rather than painful. You may feel some pressure as the existing tooth needs to be filed down to fit a crown. If you have extremely sensitive teeth, or a fear of dental treatment, your dentist may suggest sedation.

Sedation is typically available as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), or as a prescription medication, you take before your treatment. Both options will mask discomfort while reducing stress or fear you have about your treatment.  

Book Your Appointment Today

If you’ve developed a toothache, tooth decay is a likely culprit. Book your appointment at SmileMakers Comprehensive Dentistry in Montgomery today by calling  334-277-5498 . If you prefer, you may send us a message to request an appointment and our team will follow up with you shortly.  For your convenience, we begin seeing patients at 7:00 am Monday - Friday.